Current Release
Several more Color, Flair, and Type Tones bringing the total Tone combinations to over 9000!
- New Crystal Shadow Color Tone.
- New Spaced Out Flair Tone.
- Fix up the Customizer menus to account for changes made by WordPress 4.3.
- Correct the apparent issue around login textboxes not widening out to their full width.
- Internal change to Color Tones so that other colors besides white and black can more easily be used usually when contrasting text on a background color.
- The diamond pattern now has versions for light and dark background colors.
- New Demanding Angel Color Tone.
- New Olde English Flair Tone.
- New Around the World Type Tone.
- Upgrade the Stripe to better match with the updates from vc.
- Remove the bottom margin from unstyled lists.
- Ensure that the different-sized buttons remain different-sized.
- Shorten the toggle text in the collapsed navbar to minimize a Bootstrap bug.
- Remove the pageheader rotation from the Glowstick Flair Tone and replace with a text shadow.
- External CDN references now support SSL.
- New Ski.Web function to return the protocol of the current page (e.g. http, https, ftp, etc).
- Change the tagline from ‘Bond’ to ‘Professional’.
- Fix up the weird auto-spacing in one of the Ski.Web files.
- Update the Super Preview template to use the local html5shim.
- Fix up a number of translation-related warnings.
Older Releases
Layout options have been injected with awesomeness. A number of new hooks have been added to every area/zone available. On top of that, Tones can now take advantage of these new hooks. Take a look with our first two – Career Course and Glowstick.
- BPQ: Social plugin now prevents underlines from the icons.
- BPQ: Login plugin now ensures that the login page logo does not exceed the bounds.
- Another fix to the Facebook social button alignment in the BPQ: Social plugin.
- Group the article postmeta data into the article’s footer.
- Repair the sidebar DOM to match the widget-header element introduced in 3.0.
- Prevent an exception when requesting a page option through the Ski.Web post service.
- Add a Type Tone mixin for the metadata section within an article.
- Slight size change to the 8bit Type Tone fonts.
- Expanded the BPQ: Testimonials plugin to support numerous titles and a URL that can typically be used for company information.
- New option in the BPQ: Highlight plugin that permits toggling of the article title within the article – not just within the highlight area.
- Ignore the first post and use the highlight area for archive pages like search, tax, etc.
- New filters for changing the format span and sidebar layouts: ‘filter_bpq_setting_format_span’ and ‘filter_bpq_setting_format_sidebars’.
- Masthead better handles layout of search widget.
- Major updates to the Business Casual Color Tone.
- Major updates to the Glowstick Flair Tone.
- Major updates to the Charitable Contribution Type Tone.
- New dots and diagonal patterns that can potentially be used with Flairs.
- Plenty of brand-new hooks for use before/after and start/end of every area.
- Introduce Scenarios, which are PHP files connected with existing Tones – first Scenario is associated with the Glowstick Flair Tone.
- Fixed a potential bug emphasizing the font on various headline elements.
- Re-introduce the option to include classic hyperlink underlines within Flair Tones.
- Pennants will now resize themselves to fit within the dimensions provided by the Flair Tones.
- Update the BPQ: Sidebars plugin so that the ‘extra’ sidebars produce the same markup as the embedded sidebars.
- Removed unnecessary line-breaks that CF7 adds after every form element; this meant a version increment to the BPQ: Contact plugin.
- Textbox feedback icons now take on the placeholder text color.
- Fix the bottom margin on another VC element.
- Made a pass on the Statement Type Tone.
- Introduce a new BPQ: Partners plugin that makes defining and display company logos cake.
- Minor updates to the BPQ: Social and BPQ: Stripes plugins that affect their ordering in the edit page VC element listing.
- Introduce a new “Scales of Justice” Flair Tone that works well for Legal/Insurance sites.
- Introduce a new “Associates” Color Tone that uses tans, grays, and greens.
- BPQ: Social now prevents HTML elements from being sent through to various Sharers so that undesired markup is prevented.
This release is so exciting that we incremented the major version number! It includes a comprehensive pass on every Color, Flair, and Type Tone to handle better handle more cases with elements, areas, and each other. You will also see several more Tones added, bringing the possible styling combinations from approximately 5,000 all the way up to 8,000!
- New Ski.Web function to lookup a page URL by its slug.
- The navigation section will properly display a message if there are no menus already created.
- Several comment fixes in the Ski.Web media service.
- Extend BPQ: Bridge with a shortcode that displays an image by ID or slug.
- Change sidebar headings to use <h2> instead of <h4>.
- Repair defaults for masthead and navigation purposes.
- New floater element surrounding the main content to make positional shifting possible.
- Switching to the BluePrint-Q theme will now place widgets from previous themes into the sidebars.
- Tone support for borders on individual items in navbar.
- Revisit the Iceberg Color Tone.
- New Career Course Flair Tone.
- New Cabin Fever Type Tone.
- New mixin for changing the navbar height.
- Rearranged the image section layout in Super Preview.
- Comments textarea no longer exceeds screen width.
- Highlight area will bleed across horizontally with explicit coloring in the bleed-narrow format span.
- Support class filter on the ‘read more’ element; related – ‘filter_bpq_post_read_more’ is now ‘filter_bpq_read_more’.
- The utility functions in Ski.Web that look up post options now understand how to deal when the ‘posts page’ is being displayed.
- Remove the leftover get_opts functions from the post class in Ski.Web.
- Allow testimonials to be centered on smaller devices.
- New mixin for forcing a list to become inlined with bullets.
- Long lists of menu items are better handled in the navbar especially with respect to mobile devices.
- Remove the bottom margin from VC rows so that stripes can be next to each other.
- Revamp of Afternoon Chai color tone.
- Add Facebook and Google Follow buttons to the BPQ: Social plugin.
- New model tones that act as the defaults to help with consistency between tones.
- Repair Ski.Web utility function to get a page/post option.
- Add a <small> version to the preview body copy example.
- Fix up table and tab flair tone mixins a bit.
- Add ‘inherit’ functionality to the color tones in an effort to make for smaller styling.
- Add an example divider to super preview.
- Fix the bordering on tabs so that the tabs do not slightly shift on hover.
- Fix the hover cornering so it matches the non-hover cornering for the navbar.
- Remove the bordering around link buttons.
- Stripe text coloring has been updated; this includes an update BPQ: Stripes plugin too.
- All top-level areas like #top now uses classes prefixed with “area-“, like so: .area-top.
- The header, main, and footer areas are now referred to as ‘zones’ and have corresponding classes.
- The banner alert is now referred to as ‘.area-alarm’ and typically lives inside the ‘.zone-apex’.
- The content area (the area with the list of posts) is now referred to as ‘.area-content’.
- Ensure that are areas and zones have a mixin, even if empty, to ensure that all pieces are covered.
- A button was added to a stripe example within Super Preview.
- Correct z-index infighting between layered areas; especially handled stripes and sidebars.
- Large rework on Color Tones to make stylesheets approximately 30% smaller.
- Large rework on Flair Tones to provide additional methods of toggling areas for display.
- Three new Model Tones that are intended to demonstrate everything.
- All zones edges are now flush against each other without any necessary vertical spacing, by default.
- Lessen the vertical spacing around the CF7 tips.
- No more inset shadowing for several BS elements.
- Extra spacing around the Super Preview images sample to make for clearer captioning.
- In Super Preview, the primary button is used in the Jumbotron instead of the default button.
- Decrease the margins under banners a bit.
- Some references to ‘sample’ are now changed to ‘preview’; this is important for hooks related to Super Preview.
- Support for an icon that displays adjacent to an article title.
- Image tone styling is better targeted per Bootstrap image-related class.
- Fix to the Jumbotron tone styling.
- Extend the main zone out all the way when viewing on laptops and smaller devices.
- No more border for the toggle button on collapsed navbars.
- Fixed up the container logic for all major areas and the main zone.
- The action hooks for zone display have been changed from ‘action_bpq_xxx’ to ‘action_bpq_zone_xxx’.
- New action hooks for the start and end of the floater – ‘action_bpq_zone_main_floater_start’ and ‘action_bpq_zone_main_floater_end’; these take the place of the ‘action_bpq_loop_before’ and ‘action_bpq_loop_after’ hooks.
- New sample section in Super Preview for tooltips and popovers along with corresponding Tone support.
- Remove underlines from the text within buttons.
- Image samples in Super Preview now use the ‘.ignore’ class to prevent the link underline.
- Headings in buttons now have proper vertical spacing.
- Trim spacing above icon bars to make articles better align with sidebars.
- Border around form addons also now match the form controls.
- Tone styling now supports tooltips and popovers.
- Main menu navbar width is now more responsive in all span formats; thus, no longer a need for the ‘filter_bpq_main_menu_container_class’ hook.
- All Type Tones are now upgraded.
- Expand the Bootstrap tabs control to support any thickness.
- Better coloring on area-specific element overrides.
- Fix to the main menu navigation container height.
- Padding options added to many of the flair tones.
- Reset spacing on product catalog meta and contact result elements.
- Explicit style denial of the left border on the reverse blockquote selector.
- Design upgrade pass on all Flair Tones.
- Change the container for the frame areas to better fit with variable borders, paddings, and devices.
- Fix the vertical cutoff that can happen within textboxes.
- Progress bars now respect variable border widths.
- Border repairs on non-hovered pill elements.
- Stop infighting between flair tone patterns and color tone gradients; let patterns win.
- Support for variable widths on inner and outer table borders.
- Stop the alert dismiss button from displaying outside of the alert.
- Hide internal elements from exceeding some areas/zones.
- Force the upper corners of the navbar to always be flat when affixed to the top of the browser.
- Fix up the right-side cornering for textboxes when an addon is included.
- Ensure that the textboxes on the login screen respect the selected Flair Tone.
- The apex zone displays over all other elements; in particular, this fixes the shadowing from the main zone that could obscure some of the text in the site-wide alert.
- Added ‘Easy Updates Manager’ to the recommended list to help prevent unwanted WordPress updates – this might be desired if you want to test before making the any upgrades.
- Better handle vertical overlapping when postmeta wraps within each article.
- Update Visual Composer to 4.6.2.
This version introduces a new BPQ plugin for Login functionality. Specifically, it includes the ability to change the logo on the login screen and even includes a fully-functional and customizable AJAX login form so your visitors can login without being redirected to the typical WordPress login screen, wow!
- Registration and Lost Password screens are now styled like the Login screen.
- The BPQ: Favicon plugin has been fixed to accept the icon selected in the Customizer and use the smallest available to optimize for page load speed.
- Introduce additional accessibility coloring logic that handles comprehensive outline coloring for all elements.
- Skip link example has been added to Super Preview.
- New options to control where and how featured images display – Super Preview now demonstrates an emblem and a pennant on the Standard and Aside post formats, respectively.
- Banners now support hyperlinking ability – if you use banners through VC and want to update the title or add a URL, you must delete the old banner and re-add this new one.
- Pages now support explicit excerpts.
- The media utility function in Ski.Web that retrieves image sizes now defaults to not include the dimensions for each of the retrieved sizes.
- The meta info retrieved by the Ski.Web media utility function now includes the filenames associated with each image size.
- The BPQ: Social plugin has been extended with shortcodes, widgets, and VC elements; also, if you are using the ‘bpq_filter_social_follow_items’ hook, please look at the changes to the $items array.
- The VC separator element now gets explicit and equal vertical spacing.
- The tab index of -1 was removed from the main container as it was improperly selecting it upon initial page load; the skip link still functions without it.
- Condense the style attributes for .screen-reader-text for pieces that felt unnecessary to call out between normal and :focus.
- Dropdown coloring for subtext descriptions now matches main text color.
- Added ‘full’ as a valid element in the set of registered image sizes; it is not actually registered, but is recognized in the Codex.
- Fix issue where the Sidebars per-page override format would sometimes default back to the corresponding theme setting.
- Corrected horizontal alignment on banners.
- Default ‘read more’ text is set back to the ever-popular ‘read more’ – you can still override this value in the Customizer.
- If you want to change the featured image on the fly, you now use ‘filter_bpq_featured_image_id’ instead of ‘filter_bpq_featured_image’ to change the image ID instead of a block of specific markup.
- Fixed a case where the Auxiliary Panel continued to appear when in Super Preview mode.
- Fixed Bootstrap queueing error on login screen.
- Reorganized some of the scripts/styles queueing routines for correctness and remove redundancy.
- Small layout tweaks to the Super Preview Products section.
- Slightly lower font size for 8Bit Type Tone headings.
- Only text appears for cart/login/search buttons when displayed on small devices.
- Slightly lower the font size in the 8bit type tone.
Added “complementary” to the sidebars for screen readers. - Explicitly set focusable colors for pagers, buttons, textboxes, etc for screen readers.
- Added skip links for screen readers.
- Search and comment forms now include labels for screen readers.
- Navigation logo and masthead image now support the ‘alt’ attribute for screen readers.
- Grouped customizer sections into new panel groupings – you must ensure that you have upgraded to WordPress 4.0 or above now.
- Tones section is now split out according to color, flair, and type.
- Content section is now split into multiple, smaller sections for panel organization.
- Icons in social follow widget now consider screen readers.
- New hook for changing the placeholder text in the search box – ‘filter_bpq_search_placeholder’.
- Explicitly call out a theme location for the main navbar menu – as such, the menu for your navbar must be re-selected.
- BPQ: Analytics, BPQ: Favicon, and BPQ: Social plugins are updated to v1.2.
- Fix up coloring for list group items when in the sidebars.
- Fix up coloring for the trashcan displayed in the WooCommerce cart widget.
- Social share widget no longer produces an error when displayed without a link filled in.
- No longer pad the inside of the slider.
- Main navigation bar will now respond better on larger tablets.
- Stop the vertical jump that sometimes appears when loading a page.
- Added vertical space to the postmeta bar to separate from the article content.
- Prevent textboxes from exceeding their container.
The media library customizer control now saves IDs instead of relative paths – as such, the navigation logo and masthead must be re-selected. - No longer display a broken image in the masthead when there is no image, but the purpose is set to ‘image’.
- Ski.Web’s media::get_meta_info function now returns null if no attachment was found.
- Unused sections are now shown in the customizer, but are visually altered; this is in response to the most recent WP versions refreshing the customizer section visibilities.
- The Ski.Web customizer control tests moved to the new Auxiliary panel.
- Ski.Web and WP Customizer control descriptions are better style-aligned.
- Default navbar menu markup has been corrected – if you want to use a blank menu, explicitly create an empty menu.
- Font size in the 8bit type tone has been made a bit smaller to better fit within the navbar.
- The Ski.Web media utility function ‘get_meta_info’ now only returns info if the ID truly represents an attachment (i.e. improperly-formed data about a post will no longer be returned).
- The login icon in the navbar will now go to the WC “my-account” page if the WC plugin is activated.
- Benefits, team, and testimonials are now only accessible by the Administrator
- Use Bootstrap and FontAwesome CDNs with a fallbacks to local versions, if the CDNs are not available – this makes for quicker access to websites because there is potentially less to download and can be done so in parallel.
- Upgrade to Bootstrap v3.3.4.
- Fix display of the “remember me” checkbox on the WC “my-account” page.
- Removed the checkout URL filter – was unused.
- Rename the ‘filter_cart_url’ filter to ‘filter_bpq_cart_url’ to keep aligned with other filters – same with the login URL hook.
- Optimization pass on all color tones for size requirements.
- Added-in version numbers to the BPQ plugins and incremented across the board to at least v1.1.
- Remove horizontal padding from the page header slider.
- No longer displaying words like ‘search’ and ‘cart’ when in tablet mode – just using icons.
- Add a Contact section to Super Preview
- New Whacky Shack Flair Tone – includes angled stripes.
- New Liberation Color Tone – palette inspired from the Librato website.
- Additional classes for removing dimensions from an element: .no-height and .no-width
- Increased the default font-size of several Type Tones to make it easier for reading.
- The Showstopper Type Tone now uses the heading font as the navigation bar brand text.
- Remove the explicit border styling from tables not defined with the ‘table-bordered’ class.
- Generally increased font sizes across the board for all Tone Types; Super Preview layout has changed a bit to help compensate.
- Introduce a ‘selfish’ CSS class that makes it so an element has no horizontal neighbors.
- New filter for changing the items displayed with the Social Follow widget: bpq_filter_social_follow_items
- Removed horizontal padding from the main content area so there is better alignment with stripes.
- Apply colors to badges that are within panels based on Color Tones.
- Fix the colors for the Contact Form 7 success/failed messages.
- Ensure that all .stripe selectors are consistent across the whole project.
- No more vertical padding on the #main-content element so that it gets closer to the sections above and below – helps make striped pages look better.
- Got rid of the negative margins from the article – appears to no longer be necessary for stripes.
- Selecting ‘none’ as the main navigation now truly displays nothing instead of the default menu typically shown when initially installed.
- Fix vertical alignment of embedded form control icons for any kind of font.
- Super Preview is no longer concerned on the reading setting when displaying the post format headers.
- Better meld the internal panel corners with the external panel corners.
- The ‘no variant’ stripe is now identified with a class of ‘stripe-0’ to help make CSS selectors a bit more straightforward – note, if you want to use this new class, you must recreate the desired rows in VC.
- Made a general fix pass on color overrides for stripes.
- Apply colors to icons within headings.
- Internal headings are colored properly within tabs and pills.
- Change name of filter hook from ‘filter_bpq_change_main_menu’ to ‘filter_bpq_main_menu’ to help keep consistency.
- Clean up the bottom/top menu filters since they were replaced by widgets a while ago.
- Default adjustment made to the navbar buttons due to the recent font size increase.
- Widget titles will always appear on top of content.
- Fix the button colors as driven through Color Tones.
- Regular buttons in the navbar now take up full height without margin.
- Correct which sidebar is displayed on archive pages; specifically, stop letting the last post on an archive page from influencing this decision.
- Underlines work again for links within stripes.
- Ski.js must now be queued manually – saves on overhead.
- Offer an option to choose the redirect behavior after a login.
- Update to the default options that affect sidebar and navbar content.
- Optimization function added to Ski.Web that gets all page options in one go.
- Introduce the .one-liner style that keeps content on a single line without overflow.
- New .transform LESS mixin that covers all browsers.
- Add explicit sizing to the popover elements of the 8bit type tone.
- New utility function in Ski.Web for sanitizing a checkbox.
- Add back in the bottom-border underlines only to the paragraph elements for the Architect flair tone.
- Add a plugin for managing team members.
- Extend the social widget by including Instagram and Tumblr.
- Majorly extended integration of WooCommerce; from hooks to templates and most everything inbetween – especially take advantage of the Tones that drive the shop pages; also includes a shiny new products section in Super Preview.
- Tones now drive the display of the <hr> element.
- Now tested with WP 4.1.1.
- Updated to Font Awesome 4.3 – includes approximately 80 more icons.
- Prevent breadcrumbs/pagers from wrapping; instead, truncate and replace with an ellipsis if too long.
- Additional arguments supported in the breadcrumbs tag that allows for displaying the current page and/or displaying a prefix label.
- The top pagination section and the breadcrumbs section are now displayed in reverse, by default.
- All post/page templates now look for {content-posttype} in addition to {content-postformat} and generally display the featured image similarly.
- Featured images have generally been moved to the left or right of the content based on flair tones and use the thumbnail size defined in WordPress.
- The chat format has been added to the post formats section of Super Preview.
- New hook introduced for changing the ‘read more’ text.
- New hook introduced for changing the featured image markup.
- New hook introduced for testing whether to display full content or an excerpt.
- There are now potentially two locations for article icons that flairs can toggle on/off; one above the article title and the other as a prefix typically to the left of the article title – both have filter hooks that can be used to override what is displayed.
- Added the ‘Content Aware Sidebars’ plugin to the recommended list – this one beat out a couple other offerings from WPMU and Woo.
- Default styling rework on the Bootstrap list group element; also now supports nested list groups.
- Taxonomy descriptions now appear in the page header underneath the archive title.
- Fixed up the comments in Ski.Web – some were copy/paste errors.
- Several Customizer text changes – “Tone” section changed to “Tones”, upsell is not specific on number of tones since that can likely change, and widget section notes.
Introduce an alternate way to show/hide elements in the Customizer due to WP 4.x no longer supporting the ‘hidden’ class. - Give the metabox textarea and textbox controls a bit more width so that content is not cut off when metaboxes are placed in the ‘side’ context.
- Fixed an issue where non-existant date_picker metabox controls were being saved.
- Lower the z-index on the main navigation menu so that it does not cover potential modals.
- Removed the analytics filter in favor of the reusable wp_head action.
- Additional sanitizations for the Customizer.
- The stripe loading is now instantaneous with the rest of the content due to getting rid of the JS component and using purely CSS.
- Make the BPQ plugins fall along vertical features instead of horizontal tech. For example, there is now a “BPQ Types: Testimonial” plugin that supplies the posttype, WP shortcode, VC element, and output. If you have been using any of the old BPQ plugins (BPQ.Posttypes, BPQ.Shortcodes, BPQ.VC), you must remove them and activate these new ones instead.
- Moved the “Profile” section of the Customizer into a number of Widgets that are included through a couple of the new plugins. This was done to help align with the new plugin philosophy and to prevent additional SDK includes from social sites where not needed.
- Correct the VC plugin-check in the WP hooks.
- Fixed an issue where the pagination was showing up in the wrong location when no arguments were passed to the corresponding tag.
- The default masthead image has been replaced with the current site’s title/tagline combo.
- “Super Preview” is now labeled as such.
- Removed the unnecessary Bootstrap scaffolding around an assortment of pagination elements.
- Correct vertical margins for the Bootstrap pager/pagination elements.
- Condensed some style files and ensured most, if not all, now reside in the same folder.
- References to ‘base’ have been renamed to ‘core’.
- Templates now reside in subfolders for Visual Composer, WooCommerce, and the core BluePrint-Q.
- All content templates have been moved from the templates folder to the main theme folder.
- The content-chat template maintains formatting when viewing as an excerpt; this is an override from the default WordPress behavior that strips out formatting.
- Fix centering on entry/post-title elements when viewed on smaller devices.
- Featured image links to the corresponding article just like the title.
- Minor work on the layout of Super Preview to help ensure elements fit even in cases where some Tones exaggerate styles or use unusually large fonts.
- Try a fix for button coloring within a sidebar widget; including a new body mixin that handles paragraph elements.
- Remove the hover effect from disabled navbar items.
- Fix the active coloring on submenus of the navbar.
- Ensured that the colors are correct for the Jumbotron element for all color Tones.
- Slight sizing change to the 8bit type Tone.
- Fix up padding on the stripes so that the content height still drives the stripe height.
- Force the BPQ purchase URL to reuse the URL already defined in the welcome class.
- Add a mixin to handle the CSS3 flex display across browsers.
- Add a function to Ski.Web that knows how to get a post option given an explicit post.
- Update heading elements to use flex to avoid cases where bottom borders run into wrapped text.
- Default the ‘require_once’ parameter in Ski.Web’s locate_template utility function to ‘false’ so that archives have a better chance to display if the parameter is not provided.
- Update the content templates to get rid of the format span containers; those are unnecessary due to the recent layout changes.
- Use the “data-toggle” attribute instead of the “rel” attribute to display tooltips; this was done to avoid a markup error in the HTML.
- Put Ski.Web back into the theme as a package instead of a separated plugin; requirement from theme review.
- Support ‘spread’ in the .shadow mixin.
- Introduce a new ‘banner’ shortcode/element.
- WP loop get_template_part logic has fallback support for post types and formats.
- The date picker metabox control now accepts no date as a valid value.
- New utility function in Ski.Web that can replace get_template_part, but returns the path that was used if found.
- Support custom highlight titles on taxonomy archive pages.
- Single pages always show full text, but blogs respect the option on
- the reading settings screen.
- Force WP tables to use Bootstrap classes for nicer display.
- ‘Read more’ links show up on all kinds of excerpts and teasers.
- Use regular underlines for the links instead of bottom borders in the architect flair tone
- Introduce a chat post format.
- Update the message on the front page with a link that indicates Ski.Web must be installed if not already done so.
- Update the shadow on the architect flair so that it does not overlap the alert bar.
- Scaffolding services and tags have been split so they can be manipulated separately through the use of hooks.
- Stripes now stretch to the edges and sidebars can overlap them
- Increase the border width on stripes for the Architect flair tone.
- Put the borders on the pedestal widgets instead of the pedestal for the Gridiron flair tone.
- Update the Movie Strip flair tone so that the stripes have borders for the bleed-xxx format spans.
- Introduce a difference between no stripe variant and no stripe completely.
- Create .no-padding styles that force-remove paddings.
- Change the anchor element wrapper from <span> to <div> so it uses the box model.
- Fix duplicated read-more link text and unnecessary ellipses on posts.
- Images no longer exceed the bounds of the container (e.g. 1200 pixel wide unit test now passes).
- Alignments and spacing work better for image and caption cases.
- Admin bar displays when in debug mode only.
- Corrections to the image and caption formatting per WP unit testing.
- Remove ‘bpq.’ from the start of all content templates so that potential child template overrides are recognized with names that make more sense.
- Shrink the tooltip text size for the 8bit type tone since it looks especially large.
- Pagination control ellipses no longer stick out like a sore thumb.
- Ensure that the text color on the Iceberg color tone is contrasting.
- Ensure that the Jumbotron button text takes the intended button color.
- Have the ‘newer comments’ button respect the format span.
- Make videos responsive per WP unit testing.
- Correct the text coloring on the wells for the Iceberg color tone.
- Rename some tones to better match the internal and external names.
- Sidebars move into the 1170 container for the bleed-narrow format span instead of hanging out on the wings sometimes emulating the bleed-wide format instead.
- Shortcode anchors now take up 0 vertical space.
- Work with the Blockhead flair tone a bit to ensure it looks good on all format spans.
- Do not allow both parts of the pedestal to be transparent in the Glowstick flair tone.
- Improve the text color overrides for stripes – currently cover headings, paragraphs, benefits, testimonials, and CF7 CAPTCHA tests.
- Remove Visual Composer’s 1px minimum height on column classes.
Add vertical spacing between the headings and paragraph text to avoid them smashing together. - Fix the color mixin that covers panels – the text was being overridden by the global version.
- Ensure that the page navigation elements respect the default customizer values.
Initial release. See the framework page for more details on the features.